javascript - $('body, html').is(':animated')) doesn't seem to be working -

i have 4 divs heights set window height. want on each scroll down scroll next one, after first scroll down keeps on scrolling, seemingly ignoring is:animated

<style>      .div {         width: 100%;     }      .red {         background: red;     }      .yellow {         background: yellow;     }      .green {         background: green;     }      .blue {         background: blue;     }  </style>  <div id="id0" data-id="0" class="nbhd red scrolledto"></div> <div id="id1" data-id="1" class="nbhd yellow"></div> <div id="id2" data-id="2" class="nbhd green"></div> <div id="id3" data-id="3" class="nbhd blue"></div>    function setheights() {         $('.nbhd').css('height', window.innerheight);     }      function scrollsections() {          if ($('body, html').is(':animated')) {             return;         }          var currentsectionid = $('.nbhd.scrolledto').data('id');          currentsectionid++;          $('.scrolledto').removeclass('scrolledto');          var section = $('#id'+currentsectionid);          section.addclass('scrolledto');          var pos = section.offset().top;          $('body, html').animate({scrolltop: pos}, 1000, function() {             console.log('animated');         });      }      setheights();        $( window ).on( "scroll", function() {         scrollsections();     }); 


i animated logged 6 times reason, expected 3.

you can use variable achieve, want:

function setheights() {    $('.nbhd').css('height', window.innerheight);  }      var isanimated = false; // initialize variable  function scrollsections() {    if (isanimated) return; // previous animation still in action    isanimated = true; // lock    var currentsectionid = $('.nbhd.scrolledto').data('id');      currentsectionid++;    var section = $('#id'+currentsectionid);    if (!section.length) {      currentsectionid = 0;      section = $('#id0');    }      $('.scrolledto').removeclass('scrolledto');      section.addclass('scrolledto');      var pos = section.offset().top;      $('body').animate({scrolltop: pos}, 1000, function() {        settimeout(function(){          isanimated = false; // unlock on next eventloop tick        })    });  }    setheights();        $( window ).on( "scroll", function() {      scrollsections();  });
.div {width: 100%;}  .red {background: red;}  .yellow {background: yellow;}  .green {background: green;}  .blue {background: blue;}
<div id="id0" data-id="0" class="nbhd red scrolledto"></div>  <div id="id1" data-id="1" class="nbhd yellow"></div>  <div id="id2" data-id="2" class="nbhd green"></div>  <div id="id3" data-id="3" class="nbhd blue"></div>    <script src=""></script>


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