java - Spring REST validation on custom annotation -

i'm trying add validation logic on rest beans using annotations. example, point annotation used on multiple rest resource objects / dto's.

i hoping solution this:

public class entity {      @notnull // jsr-303     private string name;      @phone // custom phonenumber has exist in database     private string phonenumber; }  @component public class phonenumbervalidator implements validator { // spring validator      @autowired     private phonerepository repository;      public boolean supports(class<?> clazz) {        return true;     }      public void validate(object target, errors errors) {         phone annotation = // find fields annotations iterating on target.getclass().getfields().getannotation         object fieldvalue = // how do this? can annotation, wish call repository checking if field value exists.     } } 

did try jsr 303 bean validator implementations hibernate validator e.g. available here


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