Integrate facebook sdk5 to codeigniter manually -

what difference facebook-php-sdk v3 v5. how can integrate lastest facebook php sdk 5 codeigniter v3?

i looking way set manually. did round of searching , find documentation on sdk 3. new codeigniter , want implement way use facebook login , validate user throughout website. have installed codeigniter in subfolder , made changes in .htacess remove index.php urls.

i sorry, don't have been searching online , couldn't find on this.

so managed pull off finally. installed xampp in windows laptop, copied files hosted server folder in htdocs folder of xampp ( yeah should have started here begin :) )

steps followed

  1. install recent version of xampp
  2. move website files including codeigniter installation htdocs folder or sub-folder within htdocs
  3. install exe file composer
  4. copy files , follow step step @ instruction

the steps mentioned there given below quick glance. [ library files , add files codeigniter installation. library, config , composer.json files required. codeigniter /application/config/config.php file, set $config['composer_autoload'] true.

  1. in codeigniter /application/config/config.php file, configure session variables section. ( make session autoload)

4.update facebook.php config file in /application/config/facebook.php facebook app details.

5.install facebook php sdk navigating applications folder in terminal , run composer composer install.

6.autoload library in application/config/autoload.php or load in needed controllers $this->load->library('facebook');.

] keep in mind composer.json mentioned in steps , 1 run in "application" folder ( 1 comes codeigniter). should run composer after reach folder in cmd.

also auto loading url helper might make things easier you. can migrate code hosted server. :)


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