elasticsearch - full text search in databases -

i have 2 general question full text search in database. looking elastic search , solr , seems me 1 needs produce separate documents made of table entries, searched. result of such search not database entry? or did misunderstand something?

i looked whoosh search, index table columns , result of whoosh actual table rows. when using solr or elastic search, should put row id document gets searched , after have result use id retrieve relevant rows table? or there better solution?

another question have if have id abc/123.64664, stored string, there advantage in searching such column fts? seems me there not gained indexing? or wrong? thanks

elasticsearch can store indexed document, , can retrieve part of query result. ppl still store original data in usual db, gives more reliability , flexibility on reindexing. mind es indexes non-relational data. can have data stored in relational manner , compose denormalized documents indexing.

as "abc/123.64664" can index tokenized string or can tune index prefix search etc. it's you


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