Terraform lookup not working -

i trying lookup map variable gives error. here few snippets of code.


variable "count" {   default = 2 } variable "providers" {     default = {         "0" = "aws"         "1" = "aws.west"     } } 


resource "aws_key_pair" "default" {   count    = "${var.count}"   provider = "${lookup(var.providers, count.index)}"   ....   .... } 

output of terraform apply

error configuring: .. error(s) occurred:  ....    * aws_key_pair.default: provider ${lookup(var.providers, count.index)} couldn't found .... .... 

how can resolve ?

nothing wrong syntax here, looks provider not valid parameter aws_key_pair resource, valid pamams (key_name , public_key). https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/aws/r/key_pair.html


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