JavaScript OOP: classical implementation odd -

ok, i've revised of techniques implement inheritance in javascript oop. java programmer, i'm interested in classical approach here's problem; want create animal class (i know it's not real class, let me use term) this:

function animal(name){ = name; } animal.prototype.getname = function() {     return; } 

it important note concrete class in first intention, want instantiate it, not use superclass. may create several animal instances, each 1 own name.

a possible way extend class following:

function cat(name, owner) { = name;     this.owner = owner; } // alternative 1:     cat.prototype = object.create(animal.prototype); // alternative 2:      cat.prototype = new animal('lola'); // end of alternatives cat.constructor.prototype = cat; cat.prototype.jump = function() {     alert( + " jumping"); } 

with alternative 1 inherit methods of superclass, in fact need redefine name property in cat. alternative 2 nothing changes, have 1 more object in chain holds name property that's quite useless: it's same cat instances.

the point here i've written animal class own name , throw away extend it. i'd have though way inherit both properties , methods and, of all, i'd able reuse animal constructor.

the traditional way inherit properties of base constructor follows:

function cat(name, owner) {, name); // call base constructor     this.owner = owner; }  cat.prototype = new animal; cat.prototype.constructor = cat; cat.prototype.jump = function () {     alert( + " jumping"); }; 

the above code equivalent following class in other languages:

class cat extends animal {     constructor(name, owner) {         super(name);         this.owner = owner;     }      jump() {         alert( + " jumping");     } } 

the new way inherit properties same, save replace new animal object.create(animal.prototype). reason prefer new way because:

  1. calling new animal unnecessary overhead. cat constructor calls again anyway.
  2. calling new animal might not return blank object. might add properties object.
  3. we don't know arguments call new animal yet. hence makes no sense call it.

thus preferred way of inheritance now:

function cat(name, owner) {, name); // call base constructor     this.owner = owner; }  cat.prototype = object.create(animal.prototype); cat.prototype.constructor = cat; cat.prototype.jump = function () {     alert( + " jumping"); }; 

note it's important call base constructor because may initialization necessary instance work properly.

if you're interested in writing javascript code in classical style take @ following answer describes prototype-class isomorphism. following code taken above answer:

function class(prototype, base) {     switch (typeof base) {     case "function": base = base.prototype;     case "object": prototype = object.create(base, descriptorof(prototype));     }      var constructor = prototype.constructor;     constructor.prototype = prototype;     return constructor; }  function descriptorof(object) {     return object.keys(object).reduce(function (descriptor, key) {         descriptor[key] = object.getownpropertydescriptor(object, key);         return descriptor;     }, {}); } 

using class function can define pseudo-classes in javascript follows:

var animal = class({     constructor: function (name) { = name;     },     getname: function () {         return;     } });  var cat = class({     constructor: function (name, owner) {, name);         this.owner = owner;     },     jump: function () {         alert( + " jumping");     } }, animal); 

there other ways inheritance in javascript well. suggest read blog post on why prototypal inheritance matters understand more inheritance in javascript.


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