html - Align three divs -

i trying align 3 divs across page 1 staying center , others of equal spacing apart. have think of code need cant seem spacing work.

#partnerships div {       height: 600px;       width: 100%;       margin-left: 10px;       margin-top: 10px;      padding: 10px;      float: left;       background-color: #000000;      color:#ffffff;     border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px;  }    #robe      {float:left;      width:100px;}      #avolites      {float:right;      width:100px;}      #ukproductions      {margin:0 auto;      width:100px;}
<div id="partnerships div">  <div id="robe">      <h1>robe</h1>          <p></p>               <a href="" target="_blank">                  <img src="" alt="robelogo" height="100" width="200" >              </a>  </div>    <div id="avolites">      <h1>avolites</h1>          <p></p>              <a href="" target="_blank">                  <img src="" alt="avoliteslogo" height="100" width="200">              </a>  </div>    <div id="ukproductions">      <h1>ukproductions</h1>          <p></p>              <a href="" target="_blank">                  <img src="" alt="ukproductionslogo" height="100" width="200">              </a>  </div>

you can use example guide solution:

flexbox takes care of alignment horizontally.

#partnerships {      display: -webkit-flex;      display: flex;      -webkit-justify-content: center;      justify-content: center;      background-color: lightgrey;  }    #partnerships div {      background-color: cornflowerblue;      width: 300px;      margin: 10px;  }
<div id="partnerships">  <div id="robe">    <h1>robe</h1>    <a href="" target="_blank">      <img src="" alt="robelogo" height="100" width="200" >    </a>  </div>    <div id="avolites">    <h1>avolites</h1>    <a href="" target="_blank">      <img src="" alt="avoliteslogo" height="100" width="200">    </a>  </div>    <div id="ukproductions">    <h1>ukproductions</h1>    <a href="" target="_blank">      <img src="" alt="ukproductionslogo" height="100" width="200">    </a>  </div>  </div>


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