c# - EntityType 'Worker' has no key defined. Define the key for this EntityType -

my code in solution.models.worker:

using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.web; using system.data.entity;  namespace solution.models {     public class worker     {         public int asmenskodas { get; set; }        public string vardas { get; set; }        public string pavarde { get; set; }        public datetime gimimodata { get; set; }        public string adresas { get; set; }        public bool aktyvumopozymis { get; set; }      }      public class workerdbcontext : dbcontext     {         public dbset<worker> worker { get; set; }     } } 

i changed web.config file adding

<connectionstrings>     <add name="workerdbcontext"           connectionstring="data source=(localdb)\mssqllocaldb;attachdbfilename=|datadirectory|\workers.mdf;integrated security=true"           providername="system.data.sqlclient"/> </connectionstrings> 

and when try add controller "mvc 5 controller views, using entity framework" configuration

  • model class: worker (solution.models)
  • data context class: workerdbcontext (solution.models)
  • controller name: workerscontroller

i error message saying

there error running selected code generator:
'unable retrieve metadata 'solution.models.worker.' 1 or more validation errors ware detected during model generation:
solution.models.worker::entitytype 'worker' has no key defined.
define key entitytype.
workers:entitytype:entityset 'workers' based on type 'worker' has no keys defined.

any suggestions or i'm doing wrong?

one of model's properties should key. place [key] annotation on top of 1 of properties. this:

public class worker {     [key]    public int asmenskodas { get; set; }    public string vardas { get; set; }    public string pavarde { get; set; }    public datetime gimimodata { get; set; }    public string adresas { get; set; }    public bool aktyvumopozymis { get; set; }   } 

just don't forget add line using directive:

using system.componentmodel.dataannotations; 

also if have property in model name id, don't need add [key] attribute it.


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