angularjs - Angular - Use $sanitize on every input -

on server side sanitise coming in.

on angular app client side i've done same in instances e.g. contact forms thinking shouldn't apply every input field?

so i've seen $sanitize('some string') there way apply @ top app level rather having enter every instance input fields is?

(assuming wise thing - if not keen hear suggestions).


you can create directive call "input", apply inputs of app.

inside directive can add parser $ngmodel apply automatically $sanitize when value changes.

it looks this:

myapp.directive('input', function($sanitize) {   return {     restrict: 'e',     require: '?ngmodel',     link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngmodel) {       if(ngmodel !== undefined){         ngmodel.$parsers.push(function(value){           return $sanitize(value);         });       }     }   }; }); 


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