angular 2 does not trigger callback function after successful google login -

import {component,directive,oninit,ngzone} 'angular2/core'; declare const gapi:any; declare const $:any; @component({   selector: 'mysite',   templateurl:'./app/template.html' }) export class test{      userauthtoken;     userdisplayname;     constructor(private zone: ngzone){            gapi.load('auth2',this.initnow); => {                  console.log(this);                 $.proxy(this.ongoogleloginsuccess, this);         });     }      initnow(){         gapi.auth2.init({client_id:''});     }       ngafterviewinit() {         gapi.signin2.render(           this.googleloginbuttonid,{             "onsuccess": this.ongoogleloginsuccess,             "scope": "profile",             "theme": "dark"         });     }      public ongoogleloginsuccess(loggedinuser) {         this.userauthtoken = loggedinuser.getauthresponse().id_token;         this.userdisplayname = loggedinuser.getbasicprofile().getname();         console.log("ongoogleloginsuccess called: ",this.userauthtoken,this.userdisplayname);   } } 


<div id="{{googleloginbuttonid}}"></div> 

ongoogleloginsuccess function not getting called. can suggest, missing in code?

i trying integrate google login website. nothing getting called after google login page disappear. suresh

you forgot set id in googleloginbuttonid. set , button should work.

export class test{      userauthtoken;     userdisplayname;     googleloginbuttonid = 'google_login_button_id';     ... } 

but, if issue, button shouldn't appear @ all!! so, if did set googleloginbuttonid forgot add in question. problem in line

$.proxy(this.ongoogleloginsuccess, this); 

i not jquery guy, looked proxy , says in description:

description: takes function , returns new 1 have particular context.

so, need save new returned function , pass onsuccess callback:

proxyedsigninsuccess; constructor(private zone: ngzone){ => {         this.proxyedsigninsuccess = $.proxy(this.ongoogleloginsuccess, this);     }); } ...  ngafterviewinit() {     gapi.signin2.render(       this.googleloginbuttonid,{         "onsuccess": this.proxyedsigninsuccess,         "scope": "profile",         "theme": "dark"     }); } 

or, make sure. maybe try instead:

ngafterviewinit() {     gapi.signin2.render(       this.googleloginbuttonid,{         "onsuccess": (user) => => this.ongoogleloginsuccess(user)),         "scope": "profile",         "theme": "dark"     }); } 


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