android - Google Play publish app -

this first time going publish app android in google play store , can imagine green. question after submitting app aproval published straight away if aproved or have option submitt app on time store? reason have database feeds app needs updated before go live website know if app aproved or not can plan timming. hope experienced developers shine light on this...

many thanks.

for timed publishing can go through following steps.

publish timed publishing

step 1: turn on timed publishing

  1. go google play developer console.
  2. select app.
  3. near top of screen, select publishing mode drop-down drop-down arrow. default, you'll see "standard publishing."
  4. select turn on timed publishing.
  5. review details timed publishing, click turn on.
  6. after you've made update,click submit update. update processed usual. can take few hours.
  7. to review update, click view change log.

step 2: publish app update

  1. once update has been processed , you're ready publish, select go live.
  2. review change log , select go live. update live on google play within few minutes.

    how timed publishing work?

when select timed publishing, update needs processed before can go live. processing takes few hours.

when update processed, you'll see go live button. when select go live, you'll make update available on google play within few minutes.

tip: timed publishing can helpful if want publish app update @ specific time ad campaign, launch event, or coordinate new apk release changes app’s store listing or distribution.

important notes timed publishing

if make changes app's in-app products page while you're in timed publishing mode, they'll still published immediately. timed publishing available updates, not when publishing app first time. can't revert changes made in timed publishing mode. particularly important when publishing new apks , managing apk version codes. updates alpha/beta apks , other updates, including updates submitted using google play developer api, published after click go live.

for more details visit :


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