Setting text to array of edit text android -

i have array of text dynamically generated , when user clicks button , need each character of particular string displayed in each text.

for eg. text looks like,


where each'-' represents text , when user clicks button , want string/character populated each time . for. eg, when user clicks button first time, want character 'a' displayed .so, text array must lik

a - - 

and when user clicks second time, must populate 'b' in second text field, so, output must be,

a b - 

and values 'a' , 'b' dynamic. have tried using below code,

            edittext[] edittext = new edittext[dynamiclen];             (int n = 0; n < dynamiclen; n++) {                 edittext[n] = new edittext(puzzlewithhint.this);                  edittext[n].setlayoutparams(new viewgroup.layoutparams                         (viewgroup.layoutparams.wrap_content, viewgroup.layoutparams.wrap_content));                 edittext[n].setfocusable(true);                 edittext[n].setimeoptions(edittext[n].getimeoptions() | editorinfo.ime_action_done);                 edittext[n].setinputtype(inputtype.type_class_text);                 edittext[n].settextcolor((color.parsecolor("#e3732d")));                 edittext[n].settypeface(null, typeface.bold);                 edittext[n].settext(ansstring);                 edittext[n].setfilters(new inputfilter[]{new inputfilter.lengthfilter(1)});                 alleds.add(edittext[n]);                 gl.addview(edittext[n]);             }             edittext[1].gettext().clear();             edittext[2].gettext().clear();             hintcount++;             log.d(tag, "hintcc" + hintcount); 

any great !!


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