php - Converting date (with milliseconds) into timestamp -

this question has answer here:

i have date format '25 may 2016 10:45:53:567'.

i want convert time stamp.

strtotime function returns empty.

$date = '25 may 2016 10:45:53:567'; echo strtotime($date);  // returns empty 

when removed milliseconds, it's working.

$date = '25 may 2016 10:45:53'; echo strtotime($date); // returns 1464153353 

please sort out issue. in advance.

split string:

$date = '25 may 2016 10:45:53:001'; preg_match('/^(.+):(\d+)$/i', $date, $matches); echo 'timestamp: ' . strtotime($matches[1]) . php_eol; echo 'milliseconds: ' . $matches[2] . php_eol; // timestamp: 1464162353  // milliseconds: 001  


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