javascript - JS:Specific weight chart -

firstly understand issue should see pricture in link below :

the idea , issue create chart of weight such picture or site , description :

1- chart contain 2 lines : 1 - record today's weight , 2- goal weight.

2- can record everyday today's weight , when click "record" button directly see new line added in chart in space of today (you can see picture )

what need example or code of chart same fonctionality,really i'm not professional in javascript code?

you can use flot (javascript library jquery generate charts)

// null signifies separate line segments var mydata = [[0, 12], [7, 12], null, [7, 2.5], [12, 2.5]]; var mygoal = [[0, 20], [12, 20]]  $.plot($("#mychart"), [ mydata, mygoal ]); 

check out example :


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