how to access custom exception handler from python module? -

these files:

mymodule/  import sys  class mymodule:   handle_exceptions = handle_exceptions   def __init__(self):     sys.excepthook = handle_exceptions  #mymodule/ def handle_exceptions(ex_cls, ex, tb):   #not important here         pass import sys import mymodule sys.excepthook = mymodule.handle_exceptions 

the contents of 'handle_exceptions' not important here because can't access @ all.

traceback (most recent call last):  file "", line 2, in <module>     import mymodule  file "d:\python34\mymodule\", line 3, in <module>     class mymodule:  file "d:\python34\mymodule\", line 4, in mymodule     handle_exceptions = handle_exceptions  nameerror: name 'handle_exceptions' not defined 

try this

mymodule/ import sys  class mymodule:   def __init__(self):     sys.excepthook = handle_exceptions     self.handle_exceptions = handle_exceptions   #mymodule/ def handle_exceptions(ex_cls, ex, tb):   #not important here   pass     import sys mymodule import handle_exceptions sys.excepthook = handle_exceptions 


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