Android - How to remove MediaPlayer loop delays? -

i set music file loop on mediaplayer game, causes 2 sec delay when loops.

my code:

boolean activatesounds = getintent().getbooleanextra("activate sounds", true);      if(mp!=null){         mp.reset();         mp.release();     }     mp = mediaplayer.create(startgame.this, r.raw.music1);     mp.setvolume(8f, 8f);     mp.setlooping(true); // causing delays     if (activatesounds) mp.start(); 

for game, not interesting. there way make mediaplayer run out of loop delays?

i not able make setlooping work without gap.

only solution worked me use setnextmediaplayer call (which able start next loop without gap) , 2 mediaplayers.

'pseudo' code:

class abc implements mediaplayer.oncompletionlistener {  private final mediaplayer[] mps = new mediaplayer[2];  public abc() {     mps[0] = new mediaplayer();     mps[1] = new mediaplayer();     mps[0].setoncompletionlistener(this);     mps[1].setoncompletionlistener(this); }  public void start()     initmediaplayer(mps[0]);     initmediaplayer(mps[1]);      mps[0].setnextmediaplayer(mps[1]);     mps[0].start(); }  private void initmediaplayer(mediaplayer mp) {     if (mp.isplaying()){             mp.stop();     }     mp.reset();      final float volume = 0.07f;      mp.setdatasource(my_source);     mp.setvolume(volume, volume);     mp.setlooping(false);      try {         mp.prepare();     }catch(exception error){         log.d("backgroundmusic", error.tostring());     } }  @override public void oncompletion(mediaplayer mp) {     mediaplayer cur = mps[0] == mp ? mps[1] : mps[0];      initmediaplayer(mp);     cur.setnextmediaplayer(mp); }  } 


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