matlab - Saving arrays of every iteration of for loop -

i have following matlab code:

clc; clear all; close all; format long; d=717;               r1=60000;              r2=[61043; 62000];              rx=[0; 10];                    ry=[11.212; 1];               k=-1.000953;            o=1:1:size(rx) i=1; rho1=0:17.7:d     theta=0:10:360;         rho=rho1;         x(i)=rho.*cosd(theta)+(rx(o)*1000);         y(i)=rho.*sind(theta)+(ry(o)*1000);         xx(i)=(((x(i))-(rx(o)*1000))/d);         yy(i)=(((y(i))-(ry(o)*1000))/d);         l(i)=sqrt(x(i).^2+(y(i)).^2);         c1=1/r1;         s11(i)=c1*(l(i).^2);         s12(i)=1+(sqrt(1-(1+k)*c1*c1*(l(i).^2)));         s1(i)=s11(i)/s12(i); %hyperbola sag         s2(i)=(r2(o)-sqrt((r2(o).^2)-(l(i).^2))); %best fit sag         m(i)=abs((-s1(i)+s2(i)));         i=i+1;     end end dz=m'; xn=xx'; yn=yy'; z=[dz xn yn]; end 

after each iteration of loop, arrays dz, xn, yn, , matrix z modified. how save output of every iteration?

you can use concept of multidimensional arrays follows:

clc; clear all; close all; format long; d=717;               r1=60000;              r2=[61043; 62000];              rx=[0; 10];                    ry=[11.212; 1];               k=-1.000953;            o=1:1:size(rx)     i=1;     rho1=0:17.7:d         theta=0:10:360;             rho=rho1;             x(i)=rho.*cosd(theta)+(rx(o)*1000);             y(i)=rho.*sind(theta)+(ry(o)*1000);             xx(i)=(((x(i))-(rx(o)*1000))/d);             yy(i)=(((y(i))-(ry(o)*1000))/d);             l(i)=sqrt(x(i).^2+(y(i)).^2);             c1=1/r1;             s11(i)=c1*(l(i).^2);             s12(i)=1+(sqrt(1-(1+k)*c1*c1*(l(i).^2)));             s1(i)=s11(i)/s12(i); %hyperbola sag             s2(i)=(r2(o)-sqrt((r2(o).^2)-(l(i).^2))); %best fit sag             m(i)=abs((-s1(i)+s2(i)));             i=i+1;         end     end      dz(:,:,o)=m';     xn(:,:,o)=xx';     yn(:,:,o)=yy';     z(:,:,o)=[dz(:,:,o) xn(:,:,o) yn(:,:,o)]; end 


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