SVN - See the changes in a branch based upon when it was checked out -

i see modifications associated branch. can compare current state of trunk enough, trunk updated seeing changes outside scope branch. how can determine version of trunk branch based on diff (i using beyondcompare, need both sets of files) see modifications. easy task , how perform feat?

thanks , kind regards, mark

the svn log show when branch created , copied (that is, if did things right way explained below). use command:

$ svn log -v -r1:head --stop-on-copy $repo/branches/$branch_name | head 

this list out branches youngest oldest means see first revision on top instead of waiting whole log print. --stop-on-copy print out beginning of branch history instead of following history branch copied from. -r1:head prints out in reverse order, , -v prints out copy information answer question. piping head limits output first 10 lines should more enough:

$ svn log -v -r1:head --stopy-on-copy $repo/branches/1.3 | head ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r160215 | dweintraub | 2013-04-23 13:42:54 -0400 (tue, 23 apr 2013) | 2 lines changed paths:    /branches/1.3 (from /trunk:160214)  created branch trunk  ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r160325 | rrandive | 2013-04-25 08:03:14 -0400 (thu, 25 apr 2013) | 1 line 

from here, can see first release on 1.3 branch revision 160,215 , copied trunk's revision 160,214. give basis comparisons. know people make branch point tag , branch branch point tag:

$ svn cp $repo/trunk $repo/branch_point/2.4 $ svn cp repo/branch_point/2.4 $repo/branches/2.4 

this gives them standard way compare of changes on branch vs. trunk @ point of branch:

$ svn diff --summarize $repo/branch_point/2.4 $repo/trunk  #changes on trunk since branch $ svn diff --summarize $repo/branch_point/2.4 repo/branches/2.4 #changes on branch 

this way, don't have keep going svn log figure out change list. remember trunk, branches, , tags mere convention. can define own, or add them. example, might have jenkins_builds marks jenkins builds. imagine if jenkins after successful build:

$ svn cp $repo/trunk $repo/jenkins_build/$build_number 

this makes easy diff between builds:

$ svn diff $repo/jenkins_build/12 $repo/jenkins_build/56 

or, tag particular jenkins build release:

$ svn cp $repo/jenkins_build/33 $repo/tags/2.3 


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