php - Deploying zend skeleton application on openshift server -

i deployed skeleton application on openshift paas server. using git put code in folder /php.

and now, can reach application @ url: =>

in local created vitrual host :

<virtualhost *:80>     servername zend.localhost     documentroot c:/wamp/www/zend/public     setenv application_env "development"     <directory c:/wamp/www/zend/public>         directoryindex index.php         allowoverride         order allow,deny         allow     </directory> </virtualhost> 

is possible create similar vhost on openshift server , access appli base url: => (without */public/)

many thanks! ced.

copy content of public php directory itself. , make sure .htaccess file code given below:

rewriteengine on rewritecond %{request_filename} -s [or] rewritecond %{request_filename} -l [or] rewritecond %{request_filename} -d rewriterule ^.*$ - [nc,l] rewriterule ^.*$ index.php [nc,l] 

and modify application path in index.php file below:

// define path application directory defined('application_path') || define('application_path', realpath(dirname(__file__) . '/application')); 

then work properly. worked me in my site.


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