java - check for a substring in a string before the first comma -

i have set of strings separated , example:

abc,defg,ijkl  pqrs,tu,vv  ,klmnop,qwe  aamn,nn,khhk 

as can see, third line doesn't start substring. starts comma.

using regex how can tell string starts substring of random length before first comma.



regular expression visualization

this regular expression following:

  • verifies string starts substring
  • requires substring random length greater zero


live demo

sample text

abc,defg,ijkl pqrs,tu,vv ,klmnop,qwe aamn,nn,khhk 

sample matches

abc, pqrs, aamn, 


node                     explanation ----------------------------------------------------------------------   ^                        beginning of "line" ----------------------------------------------------------------------   [^,]+                    character except: ',' (1 or more times                            (matching amount possible)) ----------------------------------------------------------------------   ,                        ',' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 


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