python - Time out on lost connection in Paramiko -

i need handle connectivity problems correctly while executing long-running commands on ssh paramiko.

the exec_command has timeout argument throws exception if there no response. raises when connection lost when command execute works longer timeout seconds.

so tried use set_keepalive not work either. paramiko not guarantee keepalive packet sent , seems not check keepalive response server. put:

iptables -a input -s ... -j drop 

on target server in middle of command executes , watched paramiko's debug logs - keeps sending keepalive packet , not pay attention @ absence of server response. seems there nothing similar openssh serveralivecountmax param kill ssh if there no response client ssh server.

as see there no way distinguish long running command , network failure. can put timeout on exec_command call , believe if exception raised it's not slow command connection loss.

is there solid way solve problem?

both cases network failures, 1 didn't work start, other 1 because failed later. in end there no difference between them.

it decide how code behaves in case. usual approach retry inserting growing timeout.

the famous algorithm called exponential backoff.


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