php - Godaddy Hosting HTTP GET Request Lengh Issue -

i facing difficulty receiving full length of request in php file. have written sample this.

  1. wrote test.php file below content,

    <?php $data = $_get['data'] ; echo($data); ?> 
  2. now have checked browser following url, 
  3. i have tested increasing number of d letters increased see how data can passed maximum.

  4. what found 478 characters received , shown in echo statement. when put more letter 'd' s in parameter won't show.

  5. what gathered maximum of 512 characters can received. if total length more that won't pass parameter. (will result empty data). changed browser effect same.

  6. but same thing work localhost (wamp server) firefox, chrome etc , can send / receive largeer request data. understand not browser issue server has limit. (my requests 1000 characters long in average , did not work in godaddy server).

  7. i using godaddy shared hosting server. guess can solved if can increase request length allowed @ godaddy server. don't know if possible also.

please me find solution.

// in sending page: session_start(); $_session["data1"] = $data1; $_session["data2"] = $data2;   // in recieving page: session_start(); $data1 = $_session["data1"]; $data2 = $_session["data2"]; 

as far know session variables has no limits in size.
drawback users can't bookmark or share results else


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