linux command to connect to another server using hostname and port number -

what linux command connect server using host name , port number?

how connect server using host name , port number check if existing process running? way see working log in server , run ps command. there way without logging in directly other server , connect host name , port number , check running process?

if want try arbitrary connection given host/port combination, try 1 nmap, telnet or nc (netcat).

note can't determine whether or not process running remotely - might running on port, ignore sees on port. sure, need run ps or netstat or etc. via ssh or etc.

if want use ssh e.g. script or, more generally, without typing in login information, want use public key authentication. ubuntu has documentation on how set up, , it's applicable other distrobutions well:

if have no access server you're trying list processes on @ all, i'm afraid there isn't way list running processes remotely (besides remote tools nmap , on, mentioned earlier - can probe public ports without authentication [although might make people angry if servers don't own]). feature, not problem.


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