'knife: command not found' after chef-server installation -

im learning chef. have setup couple of centos 6.4 vms. on 1 of vms(say chef-server), installed chef-server-core-12.6.0-1.el5.x86_64.rpm, server front-end, reconfigured chef-server-ctl , chef-manage-ctl , setup user & org. downloaded starter kit front end , extracted chef-repo folder on chef-server vm. here problem. based on tutorial i'm following, should able run knife ssl fetch chef-repo folder. but, facing knife: command not found error. tried googling find exact reason. missing!! please me.

thanks in advance.

the chef repo , starter kit, chefdk not belong server, workstation, aka. laptop.

knife included , chefdk , used communicate chef server.

edit: actually, think chef components section of official documentation provides overview.

not sure, tutorial following - official 1 on learn.chef.io. provide clear guidance?


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