c++ - Class variables and a function from header are ignored by some functions while compiling -

i have write class, errors don't make sense me. link codes , error message i'm getting.

i have declared private variables , functions in header file, variable can't seen functions , 1 of functions can't seen in .cpp.

precisely: int sizecounter can't seen void transportvalues() , void putvalue(), can seen void size(), void isempty() , void enqueue(). void swapvalues() gives "identifier not found" error though declared in header.

what i've tried , didn't work:
moving sizecounter or swapvalues private public.
moving functions can's see sizecounter or swapvalues private public.
asking experienced people help.

what i've tried , did work:
creating function prototype swapvalues in .cpp.
moving swapvalues above putvalue in .cpp(this worked if removed declaration header).

what haven't tried:
asking compile code show if error caused compiler.

i'm using visual studio 2008, btw. os: win 7(x64).

if find other mistakes in code not related ones consider no need correct me on those.

thanks in advance.

for out-of-class definition, should add class name before identifier, use

void heappriorityqueue::putvalue(string value, string* arr) 

rather than

void putvalue(string value, string* arr) 


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