sql - java.lang.ClassCastException: java.math.BigInteger cannot be cast to java.lang.Long -

i want return number of rows using native sql. console says me java.math.biginteger cannot cast java.lang.long. what's wrong? method:

public long getnumrows(integer id){          session session = null;          session = this.sessionfactory.getcurrentsession();         query query = session                 .createsqlquery("select count(*) controllnews news_id="                         + id + ";");         list firstresult = query.list();          return (long) firstresult.get(0);       } 

use biginteger#longvalue() method, instead of casting long:

return firstresult.get(0).longvalue(); 

seems firstresult.get(0) returns object. 1 option typecast biginteger:

return ((biginteger)firstresult.get(0)).longvalue(); 

but don't this. instead use way provided nambari in comments. i'm no user of hibernate, can't provide hibernate specific solution.


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