Python 3.4: zlib, deflate and shared dict -

any ideas how fix following code (python 3.4.3):

import zlib   hello = b'hello'  co = zlib.compressobj(wbits=-zlib.max_wbits, zdict=hello) data = co.compress(hello) + co.flush()  = zlib.decompressobj(wbits=-zlib.max_wbits, zdict=hello) data = do.decompress(data)  print(data) 

fails me with

zlib.error: error -3 while decompressing data: invalid distance far 

what trying decompress deflate compressed shared dictionary.

you can't use negative wbits dictionary. negative wbits gets rid of zlib header , trailer, zlib header how decompress knows use dictionary.

just rid of wbits options.


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