objective c - Private API iOS iCloud lock + Find My iPhone status & Uniquely identify devices -

i not looking app-store submission, creating enterprise level app.

there few problems have run while trying create in-house application our users , 1 of them uniquely identifying devices can know device list of devices have @ backend.

we not planning on using mdm servers- using ota deployment of app, need know when every-time device communicates within app our secure server device is. identification important because should stay intact after device wipe and/or advertising identifier reset. identifying devices using udid/ serial number not possible in app-store apps wanted know if possible using enterprise in-house apps? have seen answers on stackoverflow using various options , have not been able find why have created question here.

plus need way find out using method in private apis if device icloud locked account (yes | no) , if find iphone turned on (yes | no)

if has idea this? appreciated.

i think gist, located here, helpful. specifically, mac address, battery serial number (which on stackoverflow somewhere else), and/or die id. no headers private apis needed! mac address property needs further testing though (i've tested on 2 ios 9 devices far, both of work fine). don't expect these work forever, since apple can patch , restrict access of these whenever want to. not sure getting info on icloud lock or if find iphone turned on or not, though.

update 1

it seems if apple has (somehow) remotely patched mac address, , have removed gist. else should work fine. in opinion, battery serial number reliable way go @ moment uniquely identify ios devices.


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