ios - Proper use of NSPredicate to retrieve data -

as first attempt guide me , tell me doing wrong. after several tutorials i've tried create mechanism displays search results according user's input. app searching in array multiple element objects:

@interface element : nsobject{      nsinteger id;     nsstring *ename;     nsinteger ecategory;     nsstring *edescription;     addressbook *eaddress; } 

i using code below:

- (void)filtercontentforsearchtext:(nsstring*)searchtext scope:(nsstring*)scope{      nspredicate *resultpredicate = [nspredicate                                     predicatewithformat:@"(ename contains[cd] %@)",                                     searchtext];      searchresults = [allelements filteredarrayusingpredicate:resultpredicate]; } 

my problem that, results not expecting. returns elements ename not match searchtext have noticed given text appeared in edescription!

how above can modified in order given text in ename of element?


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