Can I use JQuery functions on a variable and not have JQuery reference the DOM over and over again? -

var x = $("element"); $(x).width(95); 

very, new jquery. want item dom , use jquery functions on item. want make sure not getting item dom on , on again. or getting item dom second time?

if can avoid , use jquery functions? how that?

do need care? feel should.

i want make sure not getting item dom on , on again. or getting item dom second time?


$() returns jquery object contains collection of elements. have been found in dom.

you not need pass $ either, "$":

var x = $("element"); x.width(95); 

if pass $ object $, creates copy of collection - not search items again, clones list.

do need care? feel should.

yes, , should. executing selector against dom can expensive. don't want executing every time.


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