android - How to jump character with using JoyStick in Mobile Touch Screen? -

i want jump , move character @ same using 1 joystick. there idea?

in joystick;

  • left key allow character move left.
  • right key allow character move right.
  • up key allow character jump.

currently, character moves left , right using crossplatforminput. want add jump feature up-key of joystick. don't want use jump button.

enter image description here

here codes moving character

 public class platformer2dusercontrol : monobehaviour {     private platformercharacter2d m_character;     private bool m_jump;       private void awake()     {         m_character = getcomponent<platformercharacter2d>();     }       private void update()     {         if (!m_jump)         {             // read jump input in update button presses aren't missed.             m_jump = crossplatforminputmanager.getbuttondown("jump");         }     }       private void fixedupdate()     {         // read inputs.         bool crouch = input.getkey(keycode.leftcontrol);         float h = crossplatforminputmanager.getaxis("horizontal");         // pass parameters character control script.         m_character.move(h, crouch, m_jump);         m_jump = false;     } } 

and other one;

    private void awake()     {         // setting references.         m_groundcheck = transform.find("groundcheck");         m_ceilingcheck = transform.find("ceilingcheck");         m_anim = getcomponent<animator>();         m_rigidbody2d = getcomponent<rigidbody2d>();         playergraphics = transform.findchild("graphics");         if (playergraphics == null)         {             debug.logerror("there no 'graphics' object child of player");         }     }       private void fixedupdate()     {         bool wasgrounded = m_grounded;         m_grounded = false;          // player grounded if circlecast groundcheck position hits designated ground         // can done using layers instead sample assets not overwrite project settings.         collider2d[] colliders = physics2d.overlapcircleall(m_groundcheck.position, k_groundedradius, m_whatisground);         (int = 0; < colliders.length; i++)         {             if (colliders[i].gameobject != gameobject)                 m_grounded = true;         }         m_anim.setbool("ground", m_grounded);         // set vertical animation         m_anim.setfloat("vspeed", m_rigidbody2d.velocity.y);     }       public void move(float move, bool crouch, bool jump)     {         // if crouching, check see if character can stand         if (!crouch && m_anim.getbool("crouch"))         {             // if character has ceiling preventing them standing up, keep them crouching             if (physics2d.overlapcircle(m_ceilingcheck.position, k_ceilingradius, m_whatisground))             {                 crouch = true;             }         }          // set whether or not character crouching in animator         m_anim.setbool("crouch", crouch);          //only control player if grounded or aircontrol turned on         if (m_grounded || m_aircontrol)         {             // reduce speed if crouching crouchspeed multiplier             move = (crouch ? move * m_crouchspeed : move);              // speed animator parameter set absolute value of horizontal input.             m_anim.setfloat("speed", mathf.abs(move));              // move character             m_rigidbody2d.velocity = new vector2(move * m_maxspeed, m_rigidbody2d.velocity.y);              // if input moving player right , player facing left...             if (move > 0 && !m_facingright)             {                 // ... flip player.                 flip();             }             // otherwise if input moving player left , player facing right...             else if (move < 0 && m_facingright)             {                 // ... flip player.                 flip();             }         }         // if player should jump...         if (m_grounded && jump && m_anim.getbool("ground"))         {             // add vertical force player.             m_grounded = false;             m_anim.setbool("ground", false);             m_rigidbody2d.addforce(new vector2(0f, m_jumpforce));         }     }       private void flip()     {         // switch way player labelled facing.         m_facingright = !m_facingright;          // multiply player's x local scale -1.         vector3 thescale = playergraphics.localscale;         thescale.x *= -1;         playergraphics.localscale = thescale;     } } 

since crossplatforminputmanager.getaxis("horizontal"); moving left , right crossplatforminputmanager.getaxis ("vertical"); moving up , down.

when crossplatforminputmanager.getaxis ("vertical"); returns value > 0, up. value < 0 down. when 0, means not moving or down.

replace update() function in first script in question code below.

private void update() {     if (!m_jump)     {         //read jump input in update button presses aren't missed.         //m_jump = crossplatforminputmanager.getbuttondown("jump");          float checkjump = crossplatforminputmanager.getaxis ("vertical");         if(checkjump>0.3f){           //up            m_jump = true;         }     } } 


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