javascript - bootstrap validator submit handle -

i using bootstrap validator validate form created bootstrap. have used bootstrapvalidator function validate form , built in submithandle of function. in submithandle, using post method can see.

major problem not able submit form after clicking submit can run code snippet , can see after hitting submit button,it stuck , if change of above field , click submit again works fine. not able make work on first attempt. not able find bug....any appreciated. thanks!!

$(document).ready(    function() {      var validator = $("#registration-form").bootstrapvalidator({          live: 'enabled',        feedbackicons: {          //valid: 'glyphicon glyphicon-ok',          //invalid: 'glyphicon glyphicon-remove',          validating: 'glyphicon glyphicon-refresh'        },                fields: {          fname: {            message: "this field required",            validators: {              notempty: {                message: "this field required"              },              stringlength: {                max: 20,                message: "this field cannot larger 20 characters"              }            }          },          lname: {            message: "this field required",            validators: {              notempty: {                message: "this field required"              },              stringlength: {                max: 20,                message: "this field cannot larger 20 characters"                }            }          },          department: {            validators: {              greaterthan: {                value: 1,                message: "choose 1 department"              }            }          },          year: {            validators: {              greaterthan: {                value: 1,                message: "select current year"              }            }          },          email: {            message: "email address required",            validators: {              notempty: {                message: "please provide email address"              },                emailaddress: {                message: "invalid email address"              }            }          }              },          submithandler: function(validator, form, submitbutton) {          $.ajax({            url: 'register.php',            type: 'post',            datatype: 'json',            data: $("#registration-form").serialize(),            success: function(data) {;            }            });        }            });                      });
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