docusignapi - Document Visibility works, but Sender can't see one of the documents -

i'm using composite template document visibility enabled.

enter image description here

signers correctly excluded documents don't have tabs on, or can explicitly excluded no signer has tabs on excludeddocuments parameter.

my problem this: sender (me) cannot view 1 of documents in envelope sender not recipient of. according docs:

recipients have administrative role (recipients action of manage envelopes, address recipients, manage recipients, receive copy or acknowledge receipt) can see documents in envelope, unless excluded when envelope sent. documents not have tags visible recipients, unless excluded when envelope sent.

i tried adding sender recipient of document received error:

free form signing not allowed document visibility

which suggests need add signheretab sender -- there nothing sign, should view only.

partial request, includes document in question. can see how sender not recipient on document.

 {      "status":"sent",    "compositetemplates":[       {          "inlinetemplates":[             {                "sequence":"0",              "recipients":{                   "signers":[                      {                         "name":"harvey k",                       "email":"somewhere",                       "recipientid":1,                       "accesscode":null,                       "rolename":"recipient",                       "tabs":{                            "signheretabs":[                               {                                  "tablabel":"borrowersignhere\\*",                                "documentid":2,                                "recipientid":1,                                "templatelocked":true,                                "templaterequired":true,                                "optional":false,                             }                          ]                       }                    },                    {                         "name":"first1 last1",                       "email":"somewhere",                       "recipientid":2,                       "accesscode":null,                       "rolename":"signer",                       "tabs":{                            "signheretabs":[                               {                                  "tablabel":"agentsignhere\\*",                                "documentid":2,                                "recipientid":2,                                "templatelocked":true,                                "templaterequired":true,                                "optional":false,                             }                          ]                       },                       "excludeddocuments":[2,3,4,5,6]                    }                 ]              }           }        ],        "document":{             "name":"agent agreement",           "documentid":2,           "documentbase64":"...",           "transformpdffields":true        }     } // ... more templates documentid 2+    ] }  

try making sender carbon copies recipient routing order after other recipients.


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