Regex - Python: Capture three (3) words after a specific word -

hello have following code:

str1 =  "hello, meet @ train station of berlin after 6 o' clock" match = re.compile(r' @ \w+ \w+ \w+') match.findall(str1) 

is there better way "\w+ \w+ \w" example capture specific number of words?

yes. specify particular count match, use curly-braces. e.g.,:

match = re.compile(r'at ((\w+ ){3})') 

which gives:

>>> print match.findall(str1) [('the train station ', 'station ')] 

in general, capture n words after word, regex be:


where ?: designates "non-capturing" group, \s designates whitespace, | means "or", , $ means "end of string". therefore:

>>> print re.compile(r'at\s+((?:\w+(?:\s+|$)){3})').findall(str1) ['the train station '] 


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