html - Are there any differences in browser support for <a> link ellement using display: block; -

i wondering if there differences between following 3 buttons. , if there any, how browsers handle them, including area clickable?

on website made, removed link buttons "my-button-1" example , added class element self, "my-button-2" example. using display block. after saw drop in page-views/clicks etc..

is there differences older browsers, when using link element display block?

<a href="">     <div class="my-button-1">         click here     </div> </a>  <a href="" class="my-button-2">     click here </a>  <div class="my-button">     <a href="">         click here     </a> </div>  .my-button-1 {     background-color: yellow;     height: 50px;     width: 200px; } {     display: block;     background-color: yellow;     height: 50px;     width: 200px; }  .my-button-3 {     display: block;     background-color: yellow;     height: 50px;     width: 200px; } 

there should no difference in older browsers. display property , block value , have been supported.

in case, don't need inner div , can apply css directly 2nd example.


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