c# - Find byte sequence within a byte array -

i have byte array , wish find "occurrences" of bytes.

for example 00 69 73 6f 6d in large byte array (> 50/100 megabytes)


even better reverse operation: searching common pattern without knowing code should able read , find file.

you can use boyer-moore algorithm efficiently search sequence of bytes in array of bytes.

here's c# version converted java version the wikipedia entry on boyer-moore.

public sealed class boyermoore {     readonly byte[] needle;     readonly int[] chartable;     readonly int[] offsettable;      public boyermoore(byte[] needle)     {         this.needle = needle;         this.chartable = makebytetable(needle);         this.offsettable = makeoffsettable(needle);     }      public ienumerable<int> search(byte[] haystack)     {         if (needle.length == 0)             yield break;          (int = needle.length - 1; < haystack.length;)         {             int j;              (j = needle.length - 1; needle[j] == haystack[i]; --i, --j)             {                 if (j != 0)                     continue;                  yield return i;                 += needle.length - 1;                 break;             }              += math.max(offsettable[needle.length - 1 - j], chartable[haystack[i]]);         }     }      static int[] makebytetable(byte[] needle)     {         const int alphabet_size = 256;         int[] table = new int[alphabet_size];          (int = 0; < table.length; ++i)             table[i] = needle.length;          (int = 0; < needle.length - 1; ++i)             table[needle[i]] = needle.length - 1 - i;          return table;     }      static int[] makeoffsettable(byte[] needle)     {         int[] table = new int[needle.length];         int lastprefixposition = needle.length;          (int = needle.length - 1; >= 0; --i)         {             if (isprefix(needle, + 1))                 lastprefixposition = + 1;              table[needle.length - 1 - i] = lastprefixposition - + needle.length - 1;         }          (int = 0; < needle.length - 1; ++i)         {             int slen = suffixlength(needle, i);             table[slen] = needle.length - 1 - + slen;         }          return table;     }      static bool isprefix(byte[] needle, int p)     {         (int = p, j = 0; < needle.length; ++i, ++j)             if (needle[i] != needle[j])                 return false;          return true;     }      static int suffixlength(byte[] needle, int p)     {         int len = 0;          (int = p, j = needle.length - 1; >= 0 && needle[i] == needle[j]; --i, --j)             ++len;          return len;     } } 

here's console app test code it:

public static void main() {     byte[] haystack = new byte[10000];     byte[] needle = { 0x00, 0x69, 0x73, 0x6f, 0x6d };      // put few copies of needle haystack.      (int = 1000; <= 9000; += 1000)          array.copy(needle, 0, haystack, i, needle.length);      var searcher = new boyermoore(needle);      foreach (int index in searcher.search(haystack))         console.writeline(index); } 

note how search() method returns indices of locations of start of needle inside haystack.

if wanted count, do:

int count = new boyermoore(needle).search(haystack).count(); 

for second question: assume asking finding longest repeated sequence of bytes?

that's more complicated - , different - question. if want answer that, should ask separate question it, should read the wikipedia entry on "longest repeated substring problem".


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