Spring Boot URL mapping for static HTML -

my spring boot appliation consist of 2 main "modules":

  • a "web" module consists of static html pages, available public (unauthenticated/anonymouse users); and
  • an "app" module consists of number of dynamic pages, each of require (spring security-based) authentication access

the basic app structure is:

  • index.html: homepage, mapped http://localhost:8080/
  • about.html: page, mapped http://localhost:8080/about
  • contact.html: contact page, mapped http://localhost:8080/contact
  • login.html: login page, mapped http://localhost:8080/login
  • dashboard.html: dashboard/landing page after logging in, mapped http://localhost:8080/account
  • all other pages under http://localhost:8080/account/* mvc/dynamic pages typical @requestmapping mappings

what not clear me is, static ("public web") html pages, i:

  • just use standard controller-based @requestmappings render thymeleaf/handlebars template (which has no data model since content static)? or i:
  • treat these pages static content (same css/js) , serve them static content spring boot prescribes? if correct option, how achieve correct url mappings (so, example, users can go http://localhost:8080/contact instead of http://localhost:8080/contact.html)?

okey first need map views via mvc resolver :

@configuration public class webmvcconfig extends webmvcconfigureradapter {  @override public void addviewcontrollers(viewcontrollerregistry registry) {     registry.addviewcontroller("/login").setviewname("login");     registry.addviewcontroller("/contact").setviewname("contact");     } }  

after mapping views need add views /login in antmatchers assuming configuration method looks :

 @override protected void configure(httpsecurity http) throws exception { http      .csrf().disable()         .authorizerequests()     .antmatchers("/contact","/about", ...).permitall() //add static pages here ( public pages )      .anyrequest()         .authenticated()                     .and()             .formlogin()             .loginpage("/login")             .permitall()             .successhandler(successhandler) // don't think you'll needing it's redirect user if it's admin or simple user              .and()  // logout                .logout()             .invalidatehttpsession(true)             .logouturl("/logout")             .permitall();    } 

after adding view map in antmatchers spring security wont handle authentification pages , solves problem


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