php - Unable to decode decrypted string returning null -

after decrypting string using private key, using echo returns value. when try base64_decode returning null. needed value base64_decode.

openssl_private_decrypt(base64_decode($_post['data']), $data, $privatekey, openssl_no_padding);  echo $data; // returning value --> k/hgb3uqz1klyehlj2jhcg5fsoy+gowif4bich195ll7znf9sqbgg/1mkiupk4scflt2e0xiwxzanggrni2yeg== echo base64_decode($data); // returning null 

base64 decoding string:


the decoded base64, binary data not string:


in general binary data can not represented in printable characters , in cases can not represented in character set.


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