Missing Classes in Authorize.net PHP SDK -

i'm trying generate custom report authorize.net using api cannot sdk load without errors.

i created post on developer board here sending email request support team. issue supposed have been fixed temporary patch here. errors persist.

does have ideas how work around issue?

my code:

<?php error_reporting(-1); ini_set('display_errors', 'on'); date_default_timezone_set('utc');  /* autoload through composer */ //require 'vendor/autoload.php';  /* autoload through git clone */ //require 'git/sdk-php/autoload.php';  /* autoload through .zip download */ require 'download/sdk-php-master/autoload.php';  use net\authorize\api\contract\v1 anetapi; use net\authorize\api\controller anetcontroller;   function getsettledbatchlist($startdate, $enddate) {     $api_id         = "my_api_id";     $account_key    = "my_account_key";     $start_dt       = new datetime($startdate);     $end_dt         = new datetime($enddate);      $merchauth      = new anetapi\merchantauthenticationtype();     $merchauth->setname($api_id);     $merchauth->settransactionkey($account_key);      $request        = new anetapi\getsettledbatchlistrequest();     $request->setmerchantauthentication($merchauth);     $request->setincludestatistics(true);     $request->setfirstsettlementdate($start_dt);     $request->setlastsettlementdate($end_dt);      $controller     = new anetcontroller\getsettledbatchlistcontroller($request);     $response       = $controller->executewithapiresponse( \net\authorize\api\constants\anetenvironment::sandbox);      if(($response != null) && ($response->getmessages()->getresultcode() == "ok")){         /* nothing */     }else{         $errormessages = $response->getmessages()->getmessage();         echo "response : " . $errormessages[0]->getcode() . "  " .$errormessages[0]->gettext() . "\n";     }     return $response; }  $api_response   = getsettledbatchlist('2016-05-01t00:00:00z', '2016-05-10t00:00:00z'); var_dump($api_response);   ?> 

the errors:

/* loaded git clone https://github.com/authorizenet/sdk-php.git */  warning: include(sdk-php/vendor/jms/serializer/src/jms/serializer/annotation/type.php): failed open stream: no such file or directory in sdk-php/autoload.php on line 16   warning: include(): failed opening '/sdk-php/vendor/jms/serializer/src/jms/serializer/annotation/type.php' inclusion (include_path='.:') in sdk-php/autoload.php on line 16   fatal error: class 'jms\serializer\annotation\type' not found in /sdk-php/lib/net/authorize/util/sensitivedataconfigtype.php on line 6   /* loaded downloading .zip github page */  warning: include(/sdk-php-master/vendor/jms/serializer/src/jms/serializer/annotation/type.php): failed open stream: no such file or directory in /sdk-php-master/autoload.php on line 16   warning: include(): failed opening '/sdk-php-master/vendor/jms/serializer/src/jms/serializer/annotation/type.php' inclusion (include_path='.:') in /sdk-php-master/autoload.php on line 16   fatal error: class 'jms\serializer\annotation\type' not found in /sdk-php-master/lib/net/authorize/util/sensitivedataconfigtype.php on line 6   /* loaded composer using recommended composer.json */  fatal error: class 'goetas\xsd\xsdtophp\jms\handler\basetypeshandler' not found in /vendor/authorizenet/authorizenet/lib/net/authorize/api/controller/base/apioperationbase.php on line 82 

i'm open ideas @ point. thanks!

simple mistake. patch composer.json file updated required-dev version of goetas. did not realize needed update composer.json before running composer update.

updated composer.json language


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