JSF Ajax Response populating input fields for form submit -

i'm parsing data in java file i'm passing parameters through ajax method , parses data , returns them in object - in model bean. can display value in jsf 2

<h2><h:outputtext id="output1" value="#{model.method.price}" /></h2> 

this works.

ok want output of these values inside correspondent inputtext fields. i'd edit them , submit them form... tricky. outputting text done value , inputing it.

for form "value" used - output in ajax response. do?

i want :

<h:outputlabel value="evaluate if price ok:" /> <h:inputtext value="#{model.method.price}" value_submit="#{evaluate.price}" /> <br/>  <p><h:commandbutton value="vnos" action="evaluate.submit"/></p> 

thank you!


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