javascript - jQuery - click function not working after remove() is used -

sample of html:

<div class="row" id="thumbnailholder">     <div class="col-md-12">         <img src="" class="thumbnails" bigimagelink="">         <img src="" class="thumbnails" bigimagelink="">     </div> </div> 

here code:

$(document).ready(function() {     $('.thumbnails').each(function() {         $(this).click(function() {                   var bigimagelink = $( ).attr( "bigimagelink" );                   $('#imgbiglink').attr('href', bigimagelink);                   $('#productimgdefault').attr('src', bigimagelink);         });      });      }); 

this function working great. when click element class thumbnails goes how need. problem comes when execute following part of code:

$.ajax({     url: 'checkcolorprice.php',     type: 'post',     data: {         url: '<?php echo $url;?>',         colorid: colornumber,         producturl: '<?php echo $producturlwithoutcode;?>'     },     datatype: 'json',     success: function (data) {             $( ".thumbnails" ).remove();             $.each(data.thumbnails, function(index, thumbnails) {                                          $('#thumbnailholder div').append('<img src="' + thumbnails + '" class="thumbnails" bigimagelink="' + thumbnails + '">');               });      } }); 

i pretty sure problem comes $( ".thumbnails" ).remove(); need remove images class thumbnails , replace them new ones appended same structure , class. when code executed click function on thumbnails not responding. there no output errors ot ever. why click function not working anymore ?

i pretty sure can me this.

thanks in advance!

currently using called "direct" binding attach element exist on page @ time code makes event binding call.

you need use event delegation using .on() delegated-events approach, when generating elements dynamically.

general syntax



$('#thumbnailholder div').on('click', '.thumbnails', function(){         var bigimagelink = $( ).attr( "bigimagelink" );     $('#imgbiglink').attr('href', bigimagelink);     $('#productimgdefault').attr('src', bigimagelink); }); 


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