javascript - Changing fontFamily on ChartJS bar chart -

i've partially implemented chartjs in project, can't figure out how change font that's displayed on x , y axes of bar chart.

i've read chartjs documentation, searched examples on github, etc. i'm not sure i'm doing wrong, rest assured knowing solution involve line of code , startlingly stupid oversight on part.

this code draws chart want, default font:

var barchartlanguage =, {     data: datalanguages,     options: options,     defaults: defaults }); 

i tried changing font in defaults without success:

var defaults = {     global: {         // example font         defaultfontfamily: "'raleway'"     } }; 

and tried changing on axis options:

var options = {     animation: {         duration: 2000     },     scales: {         yaxes: [{             display: true,             ticks: {                 suggestedmin: 0,    // minimum 0, unless there lower value.                 // or //                 beginatzero: true,   // minimum value 0.                 suggestedmax: 10             },             gridlines: {                 display: false             },             pointlabels: {                 fontfamily: "'raleway'"             }         }],         xaxes: [{             gridlines: {                 display: false             }         }],     }, }; 

add ticks.fontfamily xaxes this:

xaxes: [{   gridlines: {     display: false   },   ticks: {     fontfamily: "verdana",   } }], 


example on jsfiddle:


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