java - TextFlow in TableCell has an extra height -

i tried display rich texts in cells of tableview, , created own subclass of tablecell , set textflow object graphic. textflow has height (textflow in right column): textflow has height why happen?

the code following (i wrote in groovy same in java):

public class contentcell extends tablecell<word, wordcontent> {    protected void updateitem(wordcontent wordcontent, boolean isempty) {     super.updateitem(wordcontent, isempty)     if (isempty || wordcontent == null) {       settext(null)       setgraphic(null)     } else {       textflow textflow = wordcontent.getcontenttextflow()       settext(null)       setgraphic(textflow)     }   }  }  public class dictionarycontroller implements initializable {    @fxml private tableview<word> wordtableview   @fxml private tablecolumn<word, string> namecolumn   @fxml private tablecolumn<word, wordcontent> contentcolumn    public void initialize(url location, resourcebundle resources) {     contentcolumn.setcellfactory() { tablecolumn<word, wordcontent> column ->       return new contentcell()     }     (int : 0 ..< 50) {       wordcontent wordcontent = new wordcontent("test")       word word = new word("test" + i.tostring(), wordcontent)       wordtableview.getitems().add(word)     }   }  }  public class wordcontent {    private textflow contenttextflow = new textflow()    public wordcontent(string content) {     createcontenttextflow(content)   }    private void createcontenttextflow(string content) {     text contenttext = new text(content)     contenttextflow.getchildren().addall(contenttext)   }    public textflow getcontenttextflow() {     return contenttextflow   }  }  public class word {    private stringproperty name = new simplestringproperty()   private objectproperty<wordcontent> content = new simpleobjectproperty()    public word(string name, wordcontent content) {     this.content.set(content)   }    public stringproperty nameproperty() {     return name   }    public objectproperty<wordcontent> contentproperty() {     return content   }  } 

i don't know why column height not calculate correctly? can resolve problem if replace textflow flowpane.

if want wrap text, must replace code

private void createcontenttextflow(string content) { text contenttext = new text(content) contenttextflow.getchildren().addall(contenttext) } 


private void createcontenttextflow(string content) { text contenttext = new text(content) contenttext.wrappingwidthproperty().bind(#your_column_object#.widthproperty().subtract(5)) contenttextflow.getchildren().addall(contenttext) } 


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