html - How can I make text in my td wrap when it reaches the width of the image in my td? -

so have <td> in table looks this:

<tr>      <td>         <p class="tabletext">random text goes on long..........</p>         <img src="" width="33vw">     </td>     <td>         <p class="tabletext">random text goes on long..........</p>         <img src="" width="33vw">     </td> </tr> 

what want able do, width of each <td> width of image, text should wrap when reaches width of image next line. however, instead text running on.

is there can in js/jquery,html, or css fix this? (preferably html/css)

just give same width in pas giving img because siblings.

td {    border: red solid  }  img {    display: block;    width: 33vw  }  p {    width: 33vw  }
<table>    <tr>      <td>        <p class="tabletext">random text goes on long..........</p>        <img src="//" />      </td>      <td>        <p class="tabletext">random text goes on long..........</p>        <img src="//" />      </td>    </tr>  </table>


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