Web API Owin self host multiple applications -

we trying setup owin self host service multiple applications (app1, app2).

we'd use same behavior of iis 1 application pool uses 1 appdomain per application.

here code use:

using (webapp.start<webserverstartup>(url: "http://localhost:9000/")) { ... } 

... , webserverstartup implementation:

internal class webserverstartup {     public void configuration(iappbuilder appbuilder)     {         // configure web api self-host.          var config = new httpconfiguration();         config.routes.maphttproute(             name: "defaultapi",             routetemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",             defaults: new { id = routeparameter.optional }         );          appbuilder.usewebapi(config);     } 

how can use multiple appdomains each application? there way declare multiple webapps using webapp.start(...) in separate appdomains share same port? or there way route requests various appdomains somehow defining route app/api/{controller}/{id} instead of api/{controller}/{id}?


there's no built in support running apps in separate domains. you'd want start each new appdomain , run webapp.start inside.


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