scala - ScalaC exception on attempt to use upper bound and context bound at the same time -

i scalac exception on attempt use upper bound , context bound @ same time. allowed ? i'm on scala 2.11.8

consider this

import spray.json._  abstract class crossrefmessage  case class crossrefresponse[t <: crossrefmessage](status: string, `message-type`: string, `message-version`: string, message: t)  implicit def crossrefresponseformat[t <: crossrefmessage](implicit reader: jsonformat[t]) = jsonformat4(crossrefresponse.apply[t]) 

on compilation get

error:scalac: error: type mismatch;  found   : string  required: co.zzzz.server.journalsmanager.crossrefmessage scala.reflect.internal.types$typeerror: type mismatch;  found   : string  required: co.zzzz.server.journalsmanager.crossrefmessage     @$throwingreporter.handleerror(contexts.scala:1402)     @$contextreporter.issue(contexts.scala:1254)     @$context.issue(contexts.scala:573)     @$errorutils$.issuetypeerror(contexterrors.scala:106) 

what missing ?

update: looks magic me error goes away if change position of field message: t. compiles if it's on 1st or 2nd position. can explain why ?


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