Python Imaging Library makes an image reddish -

i have opened grayscale image using python imaging library, copied every pixel value image variable of same size , saved it. when open new image image viewer looks reddish. have used method , without "white" , "black" arguments got same reddish output.

my code:

from pil import image import math  def run():     im ="hrabowski.jpg")     pix = im.load()     print im.size     # print pix[0, 1]      im2 ="rgb", (2400, 2400))      in range(im.size[0]):         j in range(im.size[0]):             im2.putpixel((i, j), pix[i, j])"hrabowski-2400-2400.jpg") 

original image (scaled down 500 x 500):

enter image description here

python output of code (scaled down 500 x 500):

enter image description here

could please tell me doing wrong?

your problem want create rgb image has 3 channels. therefore 1 pixel value consists of 3 values , not 1 (in case use gray value of original image each of channels).

i have modified code accordingly.

a side remark: sure there better way want achieve, there no need loop through single pixels, not sure after.

from pil import image import math  def run():     im ="zhig0.jpg")     pix = im.load()     print im.size     # print pix[0, 1]      im2 ="rgb", (2400, 2400))      in range(im.size[0]):         j in range(im.size[0]):             im2.putpixel((i, j), (pix[i, j],pix[i, j],pix[i, j]))"zhig0-2400-2400.jpg") run() 


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