node.js - Cannot fetch from or insert data to mongodb using mongoose -

i wrote node web app , created mongodb database on local system. using following code connect local mongodb node js

var mongoose = require('mongoose'); mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/db_name'); //local 

and working fine on local machine. went on , created mlab account , created database. when tried run code changing connection string, connections still established believe. find , save requests not invoking callbacks, no errors shows up. requests getting timed out.

var mongoose = require('mongoose'); mongoose.connect("mongodb://"); //mlab 

another thing noticed cannot ping tcp connections succeeding when tried nc command

nc -w 3 -v 36789 

i tried deploying azure. doesn't work either. appreciated. thanks.

edit: not being able ping due fact used azure hosting. expected. , found out error while trying connect :

connection error: { [mongoerror: auth failed] name: 'mongoerror', ok: 0, errmsg: 'auth failed', code: 18 } 

credentials correct though.

from error mesasge seems using invalid auth details

this happen when not create username , password individual database i.e, db_name in case.

check mlabs account , create username , password db_name database , update connection string.


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