javascript - Export Data from dc.js dataTable into CSV -

i have data table done dc.js , crossfilter.js, , want export table csv file..

datatable.width(960).height(800) .dimension(by_id) .group(function(d) { return ""  }) .size(data.length)                           .columns([   function(d) { return; },   function(d) { return; },   function(d) { return d.gender; },   function(d) { return parsefloat(d.gpa).tofixed(2); },   function(d) { return parsefloat(d.major_gpa).tofixed(2); },   function(d) { return parsefloat(d.math_gpa).tofixed(2); },   function(d) { return parsefloat(d.english_gpa).tofixed(2); },   function(d) { return parsefloat(d.science_gpa).tofixed(2); },   function(d) { return parsefloat(d.humanities_gpa).tofixed(2); }   ]) .sortby(function(d){ return; }) .order(d3.ascending); 

this common request, i've added example using filesaver.js. (there other ways to download browser, 1 i'm familiar with.)

the key fetch data table's dimension using can format using d3.csv.format , download using preferred method. here, filesaver uses blobs mechanism:

    var blob = new blob([d3.csv.format(],                         {type: "text/csv;charset=utf-8"});     saveas(blob, 'data.csv'); 


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