iphone - big delay in loading a simple local html (no images) on UIWebView if running at xcode debugger -

right experiencing weird issue. have screen contains uiwebview load local html content. found out if there big delay (about 20 seconds 50 seconds) load screen after methods viewdidload , viewdidappear of screen called. happens if load app iphone via xcode debugger , run @ xcode debugger. won't happen if run app directly @ iphone. if change uiwebview text view, won't see big delay.

does see similar issue before?

this puzzles me quite bit , appreciated if shed lights on this.

[edit] add logging delegate method of uiwebview, call backs called after big delays.

2013/08/13 17:05:53|i|907|policyviewcontroller|37| entering viewdidload

2013/08/13 17:05:53|i|907|policyviewcontroller|58| exiting viewdidload

2013-08-13 17:06:49.590 [1885:907] reachability flag status: -r -----l- networkstatusforflags

2013/08/13 17:06:49|i|907|policyview|107| entering webview shouldstartloadwithrequest

2013/08/13 17:06:49|i|907|policyview|112| entering webviewdidstartload

2013/08/13 17:06:50|i|907|policyview|116| entering webviewdidfinishload

for log file, see big delay (nearly 1 minute) between viewdidload , uiwebview shouldstartloadwithrequest method

[edit-2] attaching thread screen shot when pause execution during big delay ( pause won't happen right away after press "pause" button though) threads screen shot 1 threads screen shot 2 threads screen shot 3

[edit-3] tested same thing on ipod touch should use same code @ iphone, didn't reproduce issue. @ point seems specific on iphone.


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